Sunday, February 12, 2012

Blah day

Do you ever wake up in the morning for a long run and just don't feel like leaving the bed? I definitely had one of those morning on Saturday. I knew that I should go on a long run and that it would feel fantastic, but I chose an extra hour in the bed.

It seemed like a good idea at the time until the day turned into this:
Good bye running in shorts. 
Today, when my alarm rang bright and early (9AM) for me to go on my long run, my body said, "oh, hells no," and refused to budge. There's something about snow days that turn me into a non productive zombie. I just want to go outside and play or snuggle into my blankets. Despite wanting to wear my new hat on the run, I chose to stay in bed longer.
Yes, I am wearing a hat that looks like a giraffe with a reindeer;s antlers and nose. 
As I lay in bed, I knew what lay outside waiting for me  . . . fun (Not!), unshoveled sidewalks. For some reason, the my school thinks that college students don't need shoveled walkways. Case in point:

Main road into campus. I did not want to be running in all the snow. 
Long story short, I knew that I wanted to go run. I also knew that I would feel fantastic after my ten miles. But despite all the facts backing up a decision to go run, I didn't go. Instead, I chose to have a blah day without running. To top it all off, or maybe because of the no run thing, I also felt sort of fat for the rest of the day, which didn't stop me from having a red velvet cupcake that my group member made for us.
Red velvet, definitely my favorite. 
The weekend wasn't all blah though. It had some awesome parts. The bf and I went out for a nice Valentine's Day dinner. I finally solidified my spring break plans (flying back to visit home in Cali!). But there were definitely huge chunks of blahness, largely due to no running. 
I'm sure we looked very cool taking self portraits of ourselves while waiting for a table. 
I hope you guys had better luck with running during the weekend than I did. Do you guys sometimes feel like I felt? How do you combat blah days?


  1. It's alright to have a "blah" day, we all have them!

    I'm glad you are going home to California for spring break. I'm just staying in Rochester during spring break, but I did take vacation so I don't have to work!

    We love red velvet too!

    1. I think a red velvet cake running date is in order.

    2. Yes! I agree, let's do it! I'm on vacation March 3-11 so we could make a trip to Ithaca!

  2. That cupcake is missing a critical ingredient! That's just a red velvet muffin.

    I have blah days, but I usually have plans to meet people for runs on the weekend so I don't have the option of staying in bed. Well, not if I want to keep my friends. :)

    1. I wish I had running friends. And it did have frosting that I put on after the picture. Then, it was gone before I could take a pic with the frosting on it.

  3. Blahs are inevitable! I agree with Kara ... hello?? Frosting??

    1. Haha. Huge amounts of frosting was involved. The only problem was that once the frosting was on, I ate it before I could take a picture of it.

  4. Blah days happen! But I think running in that snow looks kind of fun! Have you ever done snowshoeing?

    1. No, but I've always wanted to try. It would be amazing to be on top of the snow as opposed to being buried in it.

  5. Blah days happen, but I am concerned if you define it as a "non productive zombie." I would never designate a zombie as productive to begin with so that is pretty serious.
