Sunday, August 7, 2011

On Being a Badass

For the first time in my running career, I have completed a double digit run. After my last post, on Friday, I went for a short and easy 3 mile run in preparation for the day. And yesterday, I cranked out 10 miles on the beach. Granted, it was all flat, but now I feel like a real runner. Before whenever people asked me what sport I played, I would squirm and say that I used to run a bit. But now, no more of that. I can proudly say that I am a runner. Last two miles were torturous and agonizingly long, but I made good time. My overall pace for the whole run was 9:47/mile. I don't understand how I am supposed to be able to run faster than that for the half. I thought I was going to drop dead somewhere.

I wonder what the etiquette is when you're running and you hear someone talk about you loudly. When I ran past a couple, the guy was talking about how fast I was. Even though he wasn't talking directly to me, he was saying it loudly and repeatedly. I just ran by unsure of what to do. Normally, you're not supposed to comment on other people's conversations. Despite the fact that I'm super proud of my run during the weekend, I am glad that today is a rest day. I'm just going ice skating with a friend later. Can't wait!

Now, here's an obligatory picture of my garmin.


  1. congrats!! one thing i love about running is the opportunity for SO MANY FIRSTS!! way to go on your FIRST DOUBLE DIGIT RUN!!!!! and 9:47 is fast..i think you're totally entitled to a fist pump or something when you hear those comments in the future...
