Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Being Injury Prone

I am a very injury prone runner. Whenever I start kicking ass at running, I come down with an injury. 
An ass kicking cat for your pleasure. 
I know, I know. I do a lot of things wrong. 
  • I don't follow the 10% rule in mileage increase
  • I don't stretch after a run
  • I don't cross train. 
Basically, the only reason that I'm not sidelined with a super serious injury is that I'm still somewhat young and able to bounce back fairly well. 
This bunny is very disappointed in my less than stellar training style. 

Before, I used to always get shin splints whenever I get started on running for realsies. That finally stopped when I started to foam roll for at least five minutes after every run. 

But now, I'm beginning to feel plantar fasciitis coming on. I should have seen this coming. I have textbook super high arch, and my dad and my mom gets it. So you'd think I would have taken preventative measures. 

But I didn't. . . 

Good thing that I'd already planned on this week to be a cut back week. It also so happens that I'm having a super stressed and busy week. 

I'll be leaving my college bubble to do an interview in Richmond for a company-that-will-not-be-named. Wish me luck! And if you are a recruiter in Richmond who might be working for the company-that-will-not-be-named, please, feel free to offer me the job! And I also have a lab practical right afterwards. So basically, I couldn't have run more even if I wanted to. 

Okay, I lied. I'm sure I can squeeze in running if I really tried, but I don't want to make the plantar fasciiitis worse. And I'm ready to take a small break from all this ass kicking. 
Thanks nike for telling me why I have plantar fasciitis. I totally agree. 

What can I do to ward off this impending doom? How do you guys prevent injuries in general? Please feel free to share! 


  1. When I had PF the best thing for me was rolling my feet on a tennis ball. Sounds silly, but doing it several times a day, every day really worked for me.
    Good luck with your interview!

  2. I used to get injured right when I felt like I was starting to kick ass, too. I had 2 bouts with runners knee, an IT band problem and a stress fracture, over the course of a few years. It was frustrating because they would come up whenever I was training for a big race.

    That's when I started cycling. Cycling is a great workout and it builds a lot of the muscles around your knee, and throughout your legs, that don't get much attention during running. Strengthening these muscles helps keep the pressure off your knee while you are running. That's the reason people make such a big deal about cross training and weight lifting.

    If just straight up riding bores you, give a spin class a try. That's how I transitioned. Spin classes are crazy high energy, which is something us runners live for.

    I hope this helps :)

  3. sigh...just reading this makes me feel guilty! i've been super bad on the stretching, etc., and now my legs are as tight as a drum, esp. my hamstrings. i got injured on my first marathon attempt (now that i think about it, i did everything wrong!!) and on my second try i had a plan to stay injury free and it worked! i stretched every day without fail, i used this thing similar to "the stick" to roll out any knots in my legs, and i went to a physiotherapist once a month for her to give me exercises to do and to check my alignment and catch little niggles before they became full out emergencies. i made it to race day pretty much injury free and had no injuries or aches afterwards! OK, well besides what's to be expected after running for 42 kilometres like not being able to walk, sit on the toilet, go up and down stairs...haha!

    good luck on the interview!

  4. Gotta say that cycling has really made a huge difference in recovering from ITB issues and my overall pacing - fear not cross training!!! Best of luck with the interview!!

  5. What has finally helped (though it hurt at first) keep me less injured, is transitioning to minimalist shoes and a midfoot strike, NOT stretching (SO weird, but check out the Sock Doc's views on stretching... I'm a total convert http://sock-doc.com/) and seeing my ART (Active Release Therapist) at the first twinge of anything even resembling an injury. I just finished my very first marathon last Sunday (Napa Valley -woohoo!) in minimalist shoes. It's been 3 days and my legs and feet feel just about 100% normal. I think it's definitely worth looking into, but the key is to transition SLOWLY and not during training! :)

  6. Cross train!!

    Take care of yourself Rena! I don't want you to get injured, it sucks!

    Good luck at your interview!

  7. Good luck with your interview! I have gotten injured pretty much every time I stop cross training. I got to yoga, spinning, total body class and pilates each week. It may be over kill but it really seems to be working. Strong core and legs are the key to running better!
