Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Did you know that there's a song about peacocks by Katy Perry? Errr . . . .it's not exactly about peacocks per say (hint: take out the pea), but it's my new favorite song. Apparently I've been living under a rock and this song has been out for a while, but yesterday was the first time I've heard it and I'm in love.
Not the best movie ever, but the best peacock costume. 
Yesterday, I went to my newly subscribed gym (do people say subscribe to gyms? well, you know what I mean) for a hip hop dance class. The class was amazing. The teacher is super funny, and we dance to fun beats the entire class. We even learn a little routine at the second half of class, and I get to feel like Britney Spears and Britney S. Pierce (Bam, glee reference).

To be honest, I've sort of been in a workout funk. While I love the after run feel and racing, I am not the biggest fan of heading out the door for a run. It's especially been difficult because I have to drive to wherever I want to run, which really takes the convenience out of running. So yesterday, I forced myself to actually use the gym pass and go dance. Best decision ever!
Did not look as good as this cat during the dance, but I felt super awesome. That counts.
That fun workout was all I needed to jumpstart my workouts. Today, I actually got up at the ungodly hour of 4:50AM-who am I kidding, I actually got out of bed at 5:00AM-and rushed out the door to make it to 5:30AM body pump class, which solidly kicked my butt. Fun fact: I have no problem running without food (it seems to suppress my appetite), but weight lifting without food, bad idea.

Turns out, if you never ever EVER strength train, you'll be struggling with 3.5Kg weights (each side) on a bar, while people around you silently judge. Just kidding, I'm sure there was no judging on other people's part. Since I wasn't able to keep up with the reps, I did lots of judging admiring.
Yup, I've got a long way to go. 
I still haven't tried out any of the equipments, but if I attend the classes, I think I can get my money's worth. The best part is that I sincerely enjoyed each workout despite the inhumane wake up hour.

Hopefully, I can get a mini run in after work today to wrap up a solidly productive (workout-wise) day.

Now, please share! How do you guys keep out of a workout funk? Any good tips to stay motivated? You guys know, I need all the help I can get!


  1. If I get in a workout funk, I usually just verbally berate myself. Funny how that's never mentioned in Shape magazine as a "fun tip!" haha

    1. Wow! a 5:30 class? this just sounds brutal. great that you manage to do it! I love this poster. Though I do prefer lifting in a non-group environment. I actually don't really like group fitness, no idea why.

  2. I really wish we lived closer to you because having someone else make you accountable for your workouts definitely helps! I think that going to different classes will help you and once you register for some races that will get you motivated to run.

    I took hip hop dance and it was so much fun!
